Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Marking Territory

Why do dogs like to mark everything? They mess up our carpets, couches, our plants, even areas in the yard. Well, it's because they are being territorial... and I've learned that Shiba Inus, despite their small size, are very territorial. Even the females.

Every morning when I walk Pepper, she marks nearly every ten feet. But the odd thing is that she'll pick up her leg to mark stuff. I always thought this was weird for a female, but I soon realized that she does it in an attempt to reach the top of the bush, pole, trash bag, ant hill, or whatever she felt she wanted her scent on. Of course, after she marks, she loves to kick up every piece of grass around the area... and she'll kick in circles, too!

It's just a funny-looking little habit that she has... she can't help it. And she LOVES it! Also, being territorial is actually what makes Shibas good watch dogs. So, every habit that she has is for a reason.